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Monday, August 22, 2011

Vastu For Plot

Building a dream home needs vigilant considerations and apart from the good architectural design and construction techniques, the location of the plot affects the energy of the residents through out life.
It is advisable to follow vastu guidelines while selecting a plot to make sure that the place becomes a healthful, energetic, cheerful and prosperous residence we all deserve.

1. Location of the Plot
2. Direction of the Plot
3. Shape of Plot
4. Color of the Soil
5. Adjoining Roads

Location of the Plot according to Vastu

The following considerations are useful for location.
• The site having fertile earth, fruit trees, flowering plants, grass is good for construction.
• The site without any source of ground water should be avoided.
 • The site near temple ashram, school, college, hospital, graveyard, Garbage dump site should be avoided.
• If the plot is small, there should be no big tree like Mango, Banana etc.
• If the plot is big, building area should be far away from the tree.    

Direction of the Plot according to Vastu

The East and North facing plots are appropriate for house construction. Care should be taken while designing the house facing West and South direction because some directions have positive impacts while the other have negative on occupants of the house. For example if the kitchen is in South-East, there are always good results on health. But if the kitchen is in North-East, the health is affected adversely.

Shape of Plot according to Vastu

Shape of plot matters a lot in the selection of land. The following are some shapes of the plots.
• The plot should be of square or rectangular shape. Ratio of width and length should not be more than 1:2 in rectangular plot. The square plot is the best.
 • Plots having triangular, round shape, hexagon, octagon or polygon shapes should be avoided because these are not good for construction.
 • Plots having an extended NE (North-East) corner is lucky.

• Gomukhi Plot is good for house construction. The plot narrow at front and wide at the back is also called low pressure plot. However, it is advisable to consult a vastu expert before finalizing the decision.
 • Singhmukhi Plot is not suitable for residential purposes. Such a plot is wide at the front as compared to the back. It may be used for commercial activites . It is suitable for the residence facing the roads in eastern or northern side. Such a plot is also called high pressure plot. But it is advisable to consult a vastu expert before finalizing the decision. 

Color of the Soil

Color of the soil is another important aspect which should not be avoided at the time of purchasing the plot. The following colors of soil are considered better for construction purposes.
         1. Red
         2. Yellow
         3. White
         4. Black

Red soil is suitable for executives who are engaged in administrative and legal services. These executives are usually employees of Government, armed forces or administration.
Yellow and Green is considered by shareholders, businessmen, bankers and by those who are directly related to commercial activities.
Usually White soil is preferable for intellectual professionals like doctors, engineers, teachers, poets, musicians, consultants etc.
Note: Black and clay soil is not good for construction.

Adjoining Roads

A plot adjoining roads at any of the four sides affects the life of family members.  The affects of such a plot are given below.

Plot Having One Road

 Roads From                             Results
 East Good, Prosperous and Wealthy
 West Average, Good for Business People
 North Good for Women , Prosperous & Wealthy
 South  Good for Business Concern

Plot Having Two Roads

 Roads From                       Results
 North And East
 Very Good                                      
 East and South Good
 South And West Average
 West and North Good
 North and South Average
 East and West Good

Plot Having Roads on Three Sides

The plot facing roads from three sides is an average plot. It can be improved by leaving a passage at fourth side.

Plot Having Roads on All Sides:

The Plot having road on all side is best plot.

Plot Facing T-Junction: The Plot facing T or Y-Junction is not suitable for construction. It is inauspicious.

Plot at the Dead End of the Road: The plot is not appropriate for construction. It can be improved by extending the road up to the width of plot.


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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pooja Room - Vastu Effects

Pooja room is a place where we worship God for peace and prosperity. Ishanya or north-east is governed by God and is an excellent location for pooja room. Locating ‘Pooja room’ in north-east brings prosperity, good health, wealth, happiness and peace of mind.North-east is auspicious for other reasons. In morning sunrays fall directly from north-east and give us positive energy.

Location of Pooja Room

North-east is an excellent location for Pooja room. Pooja room in north quadrant provides good results. You can opt east, north and north-east for pooja room.  Avoid other directions if possible. Special pooja’s can be performed in Brahmasthana (center of house). In big plots, pooja room can be in Brahmasthan (central portion) of the house. Pooja room should not be inside bed room. It should not be made above, below or next to toilet or kitchen. It should be on ground floor, not on first floor or in basement. Avoid Pooja Room under the stairs. 

Planning a Pooja Room

Doors and windows of pooja room should be in North and East. Doors of pooja room should have two shutters. The doors should not have any door closer. There should be a ventilator.Walls of pooja room should be painted in white, light yellow or light blue color. The floor of pooja room should be of white or off white marbleCupboard for placing things should be in South or West of pooja room. It is beneficial to have a threshold in pooja room.

Interior of Pooja Room

Idols of God should be kept in north-east portion of pooja room. The idols should not face one another and the door of pooja room also. The two idols of same god should not be placed in pooja room. The idols should be 1 inch away from walls. ‘Kalash’ or water body is in North or East of the room. ‘Deepak’, lamp and ‘Agni’ kund are in south-east. We should face East while worshipping. Avoid keeping heavy idols in pooja room. Cluttered and broken idols should not be placed in pooja room. Avoid photos of dead people in pooja room. Keep pooja room clean and clutter free. There should be one pooja room in a house. The room should not be used for other purposes like storage or other room.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Commercial Property Purchase - Needs a well Inspection...

As a real estate agent it pays to have a good approach to listing commercial property. A system to the process is a good idea. Not only will a system help you ask the right questions, but it will show your professionalism to the property owners.
When you are listing in a competitive market place it is highly likely that another agent or two will be inspecting the same property later in the same day. It thereby follows that the agent that is the most professional in the inspection process is highly placed to win the listing.
When times are busy you could be inspecting 2 or 3 properties a day for the purpose of listing. So a property inspection process is valuable to you in your listing conversions. I split the process into 2 levels as below.
My inspection process of a commercial, industrial, or retail property could be similar to the following:
·          See if any encumbrances or rights of way impact the property and if so how
·          Get a copy of the local survey plan for the street and area
·          See what the zoning and building codes do for the property
·          See if there are any orders or notices on the property at the moment in the local building authority office
·          Review the tenant mix and lease profile from known leases
·          Get details of recent comparable sales and rentals in the area
·          Look for comparable properties in the same area that may be for sale or lease now and that could impact the marketing of the subject property
·          What vacancy factors exist in the property currently?
·          Check out the boundaries for the property and proximity to neighbours
·          Look at the signage of the property for identity and impact
·          Review the building improvements for suitability and function. Are they what the market wants today?
·          Get a copy of the tenancy schedule for review
·          Ask about building income and expenditure performance (especially if the property is for future sale)
·          Walk through the property with the owner or landlord whilst asking questions about current property performance
·          Look for any vacancies and see if they are dragging down the function of the other tenants nearby
·          Ask about anchor tenants if they apply in the property and get copy of the leases to see the terms of occupancy.
·          Take plenty of photos that can help you later with notes and review analysis

When you inspect a commercial property for the first time it pays to have all the facts researched before you get to the property. In the actual inspection get more details from the property owner on current issues and concerns. As a general rule do not price a property at the inspection. It is far better to take the inspection information away for greater analysis. You can then formally present your findings to the owner at a later meeting.
Preparation is the key to a good property inspection. It sets the scene for the later listing pitch with the property owner. When you know all the facts and you have fully researched the property it is far easier to close on the listing.