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Friday, September 23, 2011

The New Land Acquisition Bill of India

Highlights of the Bill :-

The states are free to frame their own laws and if they so desire, are free to improve upon the provisions stipulated under the proposed bill. It allows flexibility to the state government on whether or not to intervene on behalf of private players in land acquisitions . 

The urgency clause can only be invoked in national defenses and for security purposes; R&R needs in the event of emergencies or natural calamities. Now, farmers will get only four times the market price in the rural areas while in urban areas it will be double the market price. 

In any case, the R&R package will be applicable only when the private parties acquire 100 acres or more land in the rural areas and 50 acres or more in urban areas

The promised R&R for those subsisting on the acquired land will now be applicable only to those who have been eking out a livelihood for at least three years on that piece of land. Earlier, all those sustaining themselves on the acquired piece of land were made eligible for compensation. 

While the purpose of acquisition can't be changed, the bill, however, now allows transfer of land with the approval of the state government; if the transfer is made without any development of the land, the farmers will have to be paid 20% of the appreciated value

The bill specifies timelines for the payment of compensation. The price of land has to be paid within three months of the award, and the other monetary compensations within six months and the infrastructure entitlements under the R&R package within 18 months. Penalties will be levied on violation.


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Monday, September 12, 2011

Vastu Shastra - Vastu for Office

Enhance wealth and prosper your surroundings by implementing vaastu in office...
The science of vaastu, furnish their offerings in benefiting people in terms of name, fame and power in the commercial areas too. Hence, these offices should be built and designed meticulously. There should be correct balance of the energies everywhere in the office in order to get efficient labour from the employees and higher ability of working.

Here are few quick tips which when applied in your office, can benefit you in umpteen numbers of ways:-

  • The exteriors of the office such as the location, shape, size, height and slope of the office building must be taken care of before the building is created.
  • Talking about the interiors, the architecture should be such constructed that it lets in all the positive energies from outside and hence helps in flourishing the business.
  • There should be proper ventilation in entire office, the doors and windows must be opened for sometime every day. The boss should sit in south-west direction fronting either north or east.
  • Marketing department must be in south-west where as pantry must be in south-east or north-west direction.
  • Cashier must be in the north direction and reception in north-east direction for advancement in wealth.
  • The direction and placement of AC, cooler, audio systems, electronic equipments, stairs etc is also crucial in vaastu.
  • The placement of safe should be such that it faces north direction. This direction should be kept free from the heavy furniture.
  • For prosperity, an aquarium with nine gold and one black fishes is considered very auspicious and must be placed in north-east direction.
  • Placement of mirrors and idols of god and goddesses in their benefiting directions enhance and prospers the business manifolds.
  • While entering the office, there should not be an empty wall. Side tables and telephones must be placed in south-west direction.

There are crucial directions for keeping files in offices. These tips must be implemented for optimal results. The income tax file should be kept in south-west corner shelf, import and export file in the north-west corner shelf, cash purchase file in south-west corner shelf, litigation file in north-west corner shelf, purchase file in south-west corner shelf and the sales file in north-west corner shelf, account file in south-east corner shelf, estate file in south-west corner shelf, shares file in north-west corner shelf.

Implementation of these tips in your home will lead to a growth and prosperity in commercial areas leading to satisfied lifestyle.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Home needs Quality Construction.....

Selecting the right building material is crucial for any construction. Although the contractor may be arranging the material, yet it is advisable for you as the house owner to be aware of methods to ascertain the quality of the material being used. This is especially important if you are not using ready-mix concrete. 


In technical language, sand is referred to as Fine Aggregates. Size of particles is less than 5 mm. River sand is cheapest source of natural aggregates. It should be free from dust, clay, silt and organic impurities. 

You can conduct a simple field test for sand:

  • Hold some of the sand in hand, rub it and just throw it. Check your palm. Good sand will not stick to the palm.
  • Take some sand in a graduated, transparent measuring cylinder and pour double the quantity of water to it. Shake it vigorously for two minutes by keeping the palm on the top of the cylinder. Keep the cylinder for one hour in undisturbed condition. Different layers will be observed enabling you to check the quality of the sand.


Crushed hard stone and gravel are common materials used as coarse aggregates for concrete work in India. Aggregates are available in sizes of 40mm, 20mm and 10mm. For residential slab, beam and column work, 20mm and 10mm size of aggregates are generally used 

Aggregates should be hard, strong and durable. They must also be free of clay, loam, vegetable and other foreign materials. As far as possible, flaky and elongated pieces of stone should be avoided. 


Municipal water supplied for drinking purpose is generally considered fit for construction purpose. Additionally, you can check if the water is free of oil, acids, salts and organic impurities. Sea-water and ground water should preferably not be used for construction purposes. 


Bricks should be sound, hard and well burnt.
  • They should be free from effloresces and be uniform in size, shape and colour.
  • The bricks when struck together should produce a good metallic ringing sound.
  • They must not break when dropped from a height of approximately a meter.