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Friday, July 22, 2011

Marble and Granite - Give Royal Touch to your Dream Home

Marble gives a royal and stylish look to your home or office and it is easy to install. Marble and granite floor tiles are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. 

Granite is the most preferable option when it comes to tiling the floor. Granite tiles are very popular among people due to its elegant look and durability. There is an array of granite floor tiles that is used for tiling places like floors, wall, stairs, homes, and balcony. There are more than 2700 verities of granite, which are available in multitude of colors, textures, and patterns. There is various color options available in the market, which are brown, white, green, gray, blue, and yellow, burgundy, pink, and many more.

The granite tiles are finished in varied types of finishings that are polishing, honing, leathering, antiquing, brushed, or flamed. However, before using tiles keep the type of finishing in mind, as every type of tile has a different purpose. For instance, polished tile is meant for indoor flooring of less traffic zone, countertops, and vanities as polish makes the surface slippery. Like wise, Honed tiles are good for both indoor and outdoor flooring, as it is very less slippery.

One other hand marble tiles are equally popular among customers, owing to its elegant looks and low maintenance. Besides, it has numerous benefits like long lasting durability, easy installation, smooth surface, natural cooling and heating, light reflection, easy to clean, and cost effective. Still, there is a disadvantage of this tile, which is, it has tendency of developing stains. This is the reason marble flooring is not suitable for areas like kitchen and walls.

However, if the tiles are cleaned properly on regular basis it is not that tough to maintain it. Therefore, to make it sparkling, keep it free from dirt and dust. Regularly clean it with damp mop or cloth and use stain-removing liquid to keep it stain free. There is a wide array of marble floor tiles available in the market that can be provided in different colors, designs, and finishings.

Slate is another type of natural stone that is widely demanded by the clients for construction. The slate is most preferred in the form tiles. There is a huge variety of slate floor tiles, which is available in more than 24 different shades. These shades are black, pink, rust, grey, gold, red, purple, and many more. 

The Slate Floor Tiles widely used in areas like offices, rooms, and lobbies due to its non-slippery nature, whether it is a high or low traffic area, the tiles remain in the same condition for years. Owing to its non-porosity, it is easy to clean and sweep, which helps a lot to maintain it for long time. Every tile is unique in itself, there are numerous of colors, textures, and designs are available to choose from.


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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Area Of House - Understand The Terms And Language

Buyers of real estate should be very aware of what the builder or seller implies when he talks about area. What area is inclusive of and what it is not is the first clarification a buyer should seek.

For instance, a builder may tell a potential buyer that his quote is based on an area covering 3,000 sq ft. And, it may seem like a bargain. But what the buildermay be referring to is super built-up area while the unfortunate buyer is under the assumption that it is the amount of area he will get in his apartment.


Carpet Area :

Carpet area is the least inclusive. It will tell you exactly how much of space you will have in your home. It is literally defined as the exact area within the walls of your home. To illustrate, if you had to lay out a wall-to-wall carpet, how much area would it require? That's carpet area.

Built-up Area :

Built-up area goes one step ahead and includes carpet area and the area being occupied by the walls of your home. Hence, the total area of your home including the area of the walls.

Super Built-up Area :

Super built-up area is what builders often talk about. It is inclusive of carpet and built-up area. It also includes all the area under common spaces - the apartment's proportionate share of the lobby, staircase, elevator and corridor outside the apartment.

The confusion arises over the fact that what is exactly included under this definition is left to the discretion of the builders. Some may even include the terrace, security room, electrical room or pump room.

The total area of these "extras" is taken into account and divided by the number of apartments in proportion to their size.

What you must be aware of :

Old buildings generally have a higher percentage of carpet area (around 80%) to total area as compared to new buildings, where it could be as low as 65% to 70%. So when you compare quotes, compare carpet area to carpet area, notcarpet area to super built-up area.

Speak the same language as your builder. There is no fixed ratio of super built-up to built-up or carpet area. The market practice is that the ratios are on the super built-up area and are marked down. That means, if the super built-up area is 100 and the carpet area 80, the latter is 80% of the super built-up area. Generally, the ratios in the market are 70:30 (super built-up to carpet). But, builders have been known to go as low as 60%. So a quote on a 3,000 sq ft apartment could mean a carpet area of anywhere from 1,800 sq ft to 2,400 sq ft.

Always ask the seller exactly how much the super built-up area and the carpet area amount to. And then ensure that this break-up appears in the Agreement of Sale.


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Friday, July 1, 2011

Home Loan - Be Careful While Balance Transfer

Home loan industry in India has come of ages. Consumer is King. And definitely, if you are the one with sound financial background and impeccable credit history you can strike a better deal with the banks in terms of interest rates and other payment conditions.

Interestingly, the same is applicable on those, as well, who have already availed a loan from a bank. Near about all the major public and private sector banks are now offering the option of 'Balance Transfer' on housing loans

There are times you find that the interest rate on your home purchase loan that you were paying at the rate of 10.5 per cent per annum was quite high in comparison of 9 per cent offered by some other bank.

In this case you can trigger off the balance transfer option with your existing bank, under which the unpaid portion of your home loan would get transferred to your desired bank, thereby taking benefit of the difference in the interest rates.

Tenure of loan:  Ideally, you should consider taking the balance transfer option when the remaining part of your payment period is more than 5-years. 

There is no point in transferring the home loan from one bank to another if you end up paying pre-payment and other processing charges even more than the difference of amount you had to pay towards interest in the normal course. 
Pre Payment Charges: Banks like SBI, IDBI and ICICI offer benefits like payment of the pre-payment charges to your existing bank. So you must confirm the same with the new bank that are they ready to deal with this matter or not.

Additions in the loan amount: You must confirm that the amount of your home purchase loan is perfectly in line with the balance you had in your previous bank. It may happen that your new bank pays all pre-payment and processing charges on your behalf and add the amount later to the principal amount of your housing loan.
In such case, you have to suffer the impact of compounding, which does not favor you in the long run.

Seeking balance transfer option needs the similar degree of caution and study that you undertake while taking home loan. And of course, you can save a considerable amount of interest charges under this option once you strike the right chord!


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