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Thursday, May 3, 2012

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2 BHK , 3 BHK and 4 BHK Luxurious Flats in Prime location of Jagatpura, Jaipur.New Launching...

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Friday, April 27, 2012

1 BHK Premium Fully Furnished Flats @ 10.99 Lacs only

1 BHK Premium Fully Furnished Flats on Tonk Road, Jaipur @ 10.99 Lacs only.

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1 BHK Premium Fully Furnished Flats @ 10.99 Lacs only

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Hurry Up!!!!! Offer till 30th April, 2012.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Selection of Construction Site - Vastu Tips Part - 3

Sites which are NOT GOOD for Construction :-

Avoid a haunted/dilapidated house: The Plot should not be purchased, if in the recent past someone has committed suicide on it, or if there have been several deaths over a period of a couple of months. The Reasoning - You may psychologically feel uneasy if you happen to know of such a past.

Avoid Plots sold by a person in distress: Such Plots should be purchased only with caution. The Reasoning You feel psychologically unhappy and guilty, knowing that the Plot was sold out of helplessness and that the previous owner must be still holding onto it.

Avoid Sites near a public place: The Plot should not be abutting any public place like temple, hospital, factory, school, college, Kalyan Mantapa etc The Reasoning - These places will constantly be crowded and noisy. But if they are at least 80 ft away, then the plot is acceptable.

Avoid Sites that were previously owned by a temple or charitable trust: The Reasoning – People are looking for reasons to raise a temple and if it is known that the plot was previosly owned by a temple trust, there will be a lot of pressure to donate it for the temple or charity.

Avoid Sites near smelly places: The Plot should not be near a meat shop, workshop, leather tannery, laundry, shoe shop, dustbins, sewage drains etc. The Reasoning - The stench emanating from these places will permeate the house permanently and naturally not create a relaxed atmosphere in the house.

Avoid sites where cactus grows: The Reasoning – Such sites indicate sandy soil which will not support the foundation effectively.

Avoid sites in which there are lot of termites: The Reasoning - Even if anti-termite treatment is done on the foundation, there is a every likelihood that the termites will not be eradicated completely since the termites form a vast underground network.

Avoid a Plot sandwiched between larger plots: The Reasoning – The owner of the smaller Plot can only construct  a much smaller house than the owners of the larger plots and thus, may subconsciously feel ’small’  and overpowered with respect to the neighbours. This can create a feeling of inferiority in the owner.

Avoid Sites with obstructions: Don’t buy a Plot with obstructions like hills, tall buildings or towers on the North, North-East or East sides. The Reasoning - The useful morning sun’s rays will be blocked. However having such obstructions on the West or South sides are considered good as they block the hot western rays.

Avoid plots with an electrical pole or power supply station in the North-East corner: The Reasoning – It is an obstruction and can create harmful electric waves, that can permeate the house from the open North-East corner.

Avoid plots with lot of cracks or too much wet soil: The Reasoning – Cracks indicate dried up clayey soil and too wet soil also indicates clayey soil that does not allow the drainage of water. Such soil is not suitable for a building foundation as it will retain moisture and necessitate extra expenditure for water-proofing the foundation

Avoid Plots with trees: If the Plot is a small one, there should not be trees like Peepal, Mango, Banyan, Tamarind etc on it. The Reasoning – These trees have far-spreading roots and branches, which can cause damage to the building foundation. However, if the Plot is quite big, it is good to have these trees, but away from the building and not in the North-East corner.

Avoid Plots facing a T or Y intersection: The Reasoning – This is because you can see oncoming traffic and this may make you feel a bit nervous or lack of privacy. However, in some cases, as explained below, such plots are acceptable.


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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Selection of Construction Site - Vastu Tips Part - 2

According to Vastu Shastra, the location of the Site is very important. Some  locations are very auspicious while some others are best to be avoided. Vastu Shastra lays down guidelines to aid you in the Selection of a Site with the best ‘Location’. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you don’t, instead of blindly following them like a superstition.

Ideal Location :-

Peaceful, calm place with lot of greenery and good water source and good soil.The Logic - Fertile soil is an indication of good soil for construction. Peace is what everyone seeks.

Trust your intuition: When purchasing a property, it is a good idea to stand on the land and feel its vibration for a few moments. If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for you. The Reasoning It is always advisable to trust your instinct but make sure you are not influenced by anything or anyone else.

Plot with a good history: It is best to buy land where happy and successful people have lived. The Reasoning – Psychologically, you will feel that a land where people were happy and prosperous, has good vibrations or energy.

Plot with roads on all four sides is considered the best: It ensures health, wealth and happiness. The Reasoning - This is because a Plot with roads on all four sides is not abutting any body’s property and hence one can derive maximum lighting and ventilation from all four sides.

The next best option is a Plot with roads on the North or East.The Reasoning - So that more light and air can enter from these sides in the mornings.

Plots with a water source in the North, East or North-East are good: The ReasoningThe germicidal UV rays of the morning sunlight, which engulf the North-East corner in the morning, can purify the water before you start to use it.

Keep Reading my blog for the next post on Selection of Construction site-Vastu Tips


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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Selection of Construction Site - Vastu Tips

Selection of a Site: The Selection of a Site is very important since the Site represents a fixed form, that will radiate positive as well as negative energies depending on its location, orientation, shape, slope and soil quality. Therefore, these are the 5 important aspects to be considered when selecting a Site.

Selecting a suitable Site: Normally an Architect is not involved at the time of buying a Site. But as an Architect myself, I suggest that it is better to involve an Architect early on, at the time of selecting a Site, as his inputs could be very valuable in deciding the right Site. Generally, the points an Architect will keep in mind while selecting a site, will by default be in accordance with Vastu Shastra, since Vastu principles are always based on Common Sense and Logic.

Already own a Site: In case you already own a Site, you can still refer to the Vastu Guidelines for Site Selection, to help you evaluate your Site and if necessary, make corrections to make it suitable.

Keep reading my blog for the next step to know how to choose a good construction site....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dining Room - According to The Vastu Shastra Rules

The Dining room is the place where the family sits to eat, have their meals and chat. It is also the place where guests are entertained and served food. Hence it is generally accessible from the Living Room.The Dining room should be designed to facilitate a relaxed mood for enjoyable eating.


The Dining room can be located in the East, South or West: The Dining room can be an independent room or in continuation with the kitchen. The Scientific Reasoning - Any direction is suitable for a Dining room, provided it is close to the Kitchen and has sufficient light and enough privacy from outside.

The Dining room should be on the same floor as the Kitchen: The Logic – It doesn’t make sense to have the Dining room on any other floor other than the Kitchen as it will be impractical to carry hot food and utensils up and down a Staircase.

The best shape for the Dining Table is square or Rectangle: Shapes like round, oval, hexagon or any other irregular shapes are best avoided for dining tables. The Logic– When sitting at a table one needs enough space so that one can eat comfortably. At the same time, there should be enough space on the table to accommodate everyone’s plates and the food to be served without cramping it. A rectangle or square shape is the most efficient shape for this.


The Dining table should be in the centre of the room, away from the walls: The Logic – Only if the Dining table is positioned in the centre of the room, can everyone’s chair be pulled out easily for sitting. If it is put against a wall, that side of the dining table cannot be used for placing chairs.

One should sit facing East, North or West: The master of the house should sit facing East. The other family members should sit facing East, West or North. The Reasoning - When facing East, the Sun’s useful rays, especially in the mornings, can flood the room and bathe the diners’ faces.

Avoid sitting facing South: The Scientific Reasoning When you sit facing South, the Earth’s magnetic North pole and the body’s magnetic North pole, namely the head, repel each other causing a restless feeling.


The wash basin can be in the North or East of the Dining room: The Scientific Reasoning – In ancient times, water was placed i n the North-East so that it gets purified due to the morning sun’s U-V rays. So Vastu pundits apply this principle to each room where a source of water is required. But in reality today, water comes through pipes and taps from one water tank. So one need not apply this principle everywhere.

Avoid bathroom near the Dining room: The Logic – Every time someone uses the Bathroom, it can be uncomfortable for the rest of the diners sitting at the table. Also the smell from the toilet can be putting off, for the diners.


The door can be in the East, North or West: The Logic- The door position can be  any where, depending on the location off the Dining room with respect to the other rooms.

The door of the Dining room and the main entrance door should not face each other: The Logic – Many people feel uncomfortable to be seen eating, when an outsider walks in. So by keeping the entrance door away from the Dining room door, this can be avoided.


The colour of the Dining room walls: can be light blue, yellow, saffron or light green color and shades of pink or orange. The Scientific Reasoning – Some of these shades are thought to stimulate the appetite. Also having light colours makes the room appear brighter and bigger.

Nature paintings and portraits are suitable for a Dining room: The Logic – Paintings of nature have a calming effect on the mind and one needs to be relaxed while eating.


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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Commercial Store - Interior Tips...

Most of the commercial interior designs that you may have seen in glossy magazines and also in trade journals won’t have failed to have impressed you because they are indeed very marvelous as well as beautiful, and the same goes for the many television commercials that also feature many different and excellent commercial interior designs. The end effect is that you will come away impressed and if you are a shop owner or have other commercial interests, and then the mere thought of incorporating the many different and attractive commercial interior designs that you have seen advertised should cause you to pay closer attention to these many interesting possibilities that can be used to boost your store’s image.

Type Of Floors, Placement Of Mirrors And Lighting Effects

So, if after all that you have seen makes you want to upgrade the look of your store in the hope that it will help boost your sales and also attract more customers, then incorporating commercial interior design would be an option worth considering. It will definitely mean making changes to the store, and even simple things such as the placing of mirrors within the shop, the type of floors, lighting arrangements and even the placing of clothes all lend them very well as subjects worth the attention of better commercial interior design.

The first thing that commercial interior design will need to address is where to place mirrors in the store which should help customers view the products better and also not mean having to use the dressing room each time the customer need to view how dresses look. Thus, what modern commercial interior design helps to do is to show you how to strategically place mirrors in the shop to get maximum effect though you must remember not to have more than are absolutely necessary.

Another way in which commercial interior design can help make your store look better is to have well polished floors and the proper lighting, especially when your products are of the casual kind, though for more formal apparel, you might be better off using black tiles for the floors that add a touch of chic to the overall look and ambiance of the store. And, the proper lighting will also help create a proper atmosphere that should nudge customers into buying your product, and soft lights will accentuate the ambiance, while fluorescent or harsh lights take away from it.

But, commercial interior design really comes into its own when it comes to deciding how best to display the products being sold and this is self-evident when you walk into one of the more upscale stores, or those which sell popular clothes. What good commercial interior design ought to do for your products is make them easily accessible to customers which might even require laying them out on tables, or hanging clothes from clothes racks. One thing you may want to avoid is to use the circular racks so commonly found in departmental stores, because they are not well suited for a store which must need to exude more modernity and which must be a reflection of good commercial interior design, and if it also reflects the owner’s own personality, then it would be that much more appreciated as well.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pre - Leased Commercial Property - Can give you a good return.....

The concept of rental yield is fast catching the imagination of investors in India, especially those in the metros. Investors invest in a property with a view to renting it out, so as to earn a fixed income. For retail investors, it is largely confined to residential properties, given their low investment capacity.
It runs with the weather as high interest rates and exorbitant prices deter them from investing as they result in less annual yield.
But UHNIs ( ultra high net worth individuals) are transacting in commercial properties which are still in demand and offer high annual rental yield. There is a healthy demand from corporate from the IT and BFSI segments, which en masse account for 60-70% of the total demand. While residential properties give 3-6% as rental yield, commercial properties offer a high rental yield in the range of 9% to 15%.
There is no doubt that real estate holds the greatest attraction for UHNIs. Most investments happen in properties, say a pocket of land, commercial properties like readily available offices or industrial warehouses. UHNIs, say with a net worth ranging from Rs 25 crore to Rs 100 crore and even above, have been mandating wealth management firms or real estate advisors to pick grade 'A' pre-leased commercial properties.
These pre-leased commercial properties provide fixed income. Here, the aim is to lease out to quality tenants, earn lease income over a 3-5 year period and subsequently exit with a moderate to high capital appreciation.
There are mainly two kinds of commercial properties. The first is the lease-hold, mainly offered by government institutions like MIDC; they are leased to the buyer generally for a period of 99 years, extendable further. You actually buy rights to use the property and not the property per se. In a way, you are buying a property without really owning it. You have limited rights on what to do with the property.
The second is free-hold property - you become the exclusive owner of the property as well as the land on which it is constructed. It gives more right and responsibility to the owner. In India, a majority of the pre-leased commercial transactions happen on free-hold basis.
No doubt, the entry price is one of the biggest factors in determining the yield. Lower the price, higher the yield. Another key factor is the quality of tenants. If the tenant is a bank or an insurance firm, mainly PSUs, the property commands a rental yield of 6% to 8%. These tenants stay for a longer period and the property is less prone to hopping; hence, it commands a lower yield.
Commercial properties occupied by multinational companies ( MNCs) like foreign banks, investment banks, etc, or domestic firms like BPOs, IT/ITeS units as tenants generate high rental yields, say in the range of 8% to 12%. So, the question arises how a buyer can ascertain if the tenant will stay for a longer period. If the tenant is incurring a substantial expenditure, say to the tune of Rs 2,000 to Rs 4,000 per sq ft on interiors, it can be fairly assumed that they are going to stay for a longer period.
The calculation is simple. You are arriving at a price after including the basic price, stamp duty, car parking charges minus security deposit. The annual lease rent is divided by the final price to arrive at a yield. Generally, the lease term happens for a period of three years, which on renewal commands an escalation of 15% in rent. Hence, the rental yield increases progressively every three years.
For eg, a project ABC having a tenant XYZ has a leasable area of 10,000 sqft and is quoting at a rate of Rs 5,000 per sqft. The total cost after factoring in the car parking charges (4 parkings @ Rs 5 lakh each) plus stamp duty (approximately 5%) is Rs 5.46 crore. The security deposit-adjusted outgo is Rs 4.92 crore.
The lease rental is Rs 110 per sqft which entails an outflow of property tax of Rs 30 per sqft. Hence, the net rent comes to be Rs 48 lakh per annum and, hence, a rental yield of 9.76%. If the rent escalates at 15% every three years, the yield increases to 11.78% in 4th to 6th year and 14.09% in the 7th to 9th year, considering other prices to remain constant. The above calculated yield does not incorporate the capital price appreciation, which can happen at any rate.
If you have pockets full and belong to the high net worth individuals' category, you can buy a pre-leased commercial property; so, typically, the transaction will range from say, Rs 5 crore to Rs 100 crore or even higher. However, for investors falling in the smaller bracket, say Rs 1 crore, it is best to enter through private equity-run real estate rental funds which open from time to time. They promise to deliver a pre-tax return (including capital appreciation) of 20% to 25% during the course of the fund's tenure.
The ideas look promising but one must check all the factors related to them, including the quality of tenants and their likely period of stay. One should also check the vicinity and all paths approaching the property. Lower the distance from major locations like highways, railway stations, bus stands etc, better rent it commands.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Contemporary Furniture - Latest Trends and Designs

Want to Redecorate your room, How about Contemporary Furniture?????

Contemporary furniture is the furniture that gives your room or interior the most fashionably up-to-date look. If you want to decorate your rooms in a contemporary style, you should have a thorough knowledge about the latest trends in interior designs. Moreover, if you have interest in the changing styles in the world of interior design, you will definitely be able to rearrange your rooms in a contemporary fashion without the help of a third person. You may well surprise yourself with your hidden talent. If, however, you would rather leave the details to someone else, it is better to hire an architect or a trained interior designer

The opinion of people with regard to what constitutes contemporary style may differ from one to the other, depending on the taste of the persons concerned. Still all of them may agree with one thing - bold colors are something that is practically standard in contemporary furniture style. Most interior designers now prefer to use furniture that use bold colors such as red, white, black, pink, blue, green, etc. when they plan the interiors of a room. It has something to do with the times, perhaps, as the use of bold colors symbolizes the owner's self confidence. Furniture with smooth, clean and geometric shapes are the most popular with architects looking to give a trendy and contemporary look to the interiors of a home. 

To know what amounts to this contemporary style in furniture, one has to know what amounts to a traditional style in furniture first. It is quite easy to understand the difference between these two styles in furniture. The most easily identifiable part is the color scheme used by the designers. While the contemporary style of furniture uses bold contrasting colors, traditional style uses only the colors that compliment well with each other. There is also a vast difference in terms of traditional furniture being more bulky and intricate. Modern furniture is made sleek and light with simple straight lines. 

Contemporary style in home decor uses a combination of metal, glass, and wood in a very stylish and sophisticated way. A room furnished in tune with the contemporary style of furnishing will look more spacious and airy than one designed using the traditional style. An over furnished room can never be called as a room designed in accordance with the new trends in home decor, as larger open spaces are 'in'. The sleek furniture you use should lend a sophisticated look to the room. 

The furniture that you use should be capable of making the room warm and welcoming for the inhabitants as well as the guests. So go ahead and make a strong fashion statement with the latest contemporary furniture to adorn your home! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Studio Apartment - Make it Maximize

Studio apartments have a lot to offer, even though the available space can be skimpy. They're cozy. Don't underestimate the ability of a small space to create intimacy. The trick is to add the other necessary elements, like furniture, color and storage, carefully. It's easy to make a small space look too crowded if you aren't paying attention to detail. You might have way too many things for the space, but then again, they might just be organized incorrectly for the flow of traffic.

1. When you don't have the luxury of lots of space, the first thing you have to do is strategize how you'll make everything work well together. One foolproof way to start is by using a monochromatic palette. It will make the space look larger and will work with, rather than against, the other elements in your design. Choose the same or similar shades for the walls, carpets and drapes. This doesn't have to be a compromise move, even if you love vivid color. Just indulge yourself in your choice of accessories, wall art and textiles.
If this sounds bland, there are hidden benefits you may not have considered. If your studio apartment has odd angles or other irregularities that you want to camouflage, they'll tend to blend into the background when you keep it neutral. A neutral palette will also make it easier to perform seasonal wizardry, like switching out a cherry red area rug for a pastel green option in spring.
2. Scale is important in rooms that are either too small or too large. Instead of a standard sofa, use a loveseat or two. Take advantage of the ability of glass to blend with its surroundings by using it liberally in your choice of shelving and tables. When you shop for furniture, opt for pieces with onboard storage, like headboard/bookshelf combos, storage ottomans and side tables with built-in drawers. Evaluate the footprint of all the pieces you buy. Once the furniture is in place, you'll still need space to walk around it. Shallow dressers, drop-leaf tables and modular computer desks are easier to incorporate into a small space than their conventional counterparts. Be choosy about what you buy, and look for scaled-down options.
3. Your studio apartment design should conform to the flow of traffic in, out, around and through the space. Determine how you and your guests will use the space, and then establish dynamic living areas based on that. The location of the entrance, bath, kitchen, windows and other stationary fixtures will get you started. Defining specific areas with dividers, specialty lighting or carpeting will help anchor the space and create natural breaks and focal points.
4. Studio apartments usually have meager storage, so make the most of modular storage options and clever solutions like space bags and open shelving. Wall-mounted and freestanding shelves can do triple duty as dividers, wall storage and decoration. If they're partly made of glass or glass block, they can also help open up the space and maximize the available light.
Small spaces can make a big impact when you incorporate scale, neutrals and a practical layout into your design. It's a winning combination that's always in style.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mixed Picture - Ups and Downs in Indian Real Estate Market

There is a mixed picture in the Indian residential property market at present with some locations seeing prices and sales rise while they are falling in others.
Chennai’s central business district has seen the highest price increases due to surging demand, according to NHB Residex, an RBI-supervised mechanism that tracks housing prices in 15 cities.
However, prices in North Chennai, most notably Tondiarpet, Perambur, Dr Radhakrishnan Nagar and Narayanappa Garden, saw a fall due to slow infrastructure development.

Despite the economic slowdown, high interest rates and inflation, prices of houses in the city’s hotspots of Anna Nagar, Kilpauk, Nungambakkam, T Nagar and Adyar have been rising. Prices in areas close to Nehru Nagar, Chepauk and Marina rose 62% compared to the quarter ending in June.
‘Chennai’s residential market is expected to see unabated growth during the next few quarters. Active demand will be concentrated in locations closer to the city centre,’ said a recent report Cushman & Wakefield. House prices in Chennai have jumped 9% in the third quarter compared to the June quarter.
Prices in Virugambakkam, Anna Nagar, Kilpauk and Nungambakkam have quadrupled since 2007, when the National Housing Bank (NHB) begun the Residex for Chennai. The demand for residential units in Chennai is likely to see a compounded annual growth rate of 11% during 2011 to 2015.
Real estate consultants blame limited supply and huge demand for property for the surge in prices in the central business district. The city, awaiting the metro rail, monorail and extension of MRTS, will continue to see demand for property near these infrastructure developments, and a surge in prices seems natural, they believe.
But a slowdown in demand for residential properties has affected Ahmedabad’s real estate market. The latest quarterly Residex figures point towards an overall dip of 4% in real estate prices for the third quarter compared with the previous three months.
The western part of Ahmedabad has seen a rise prices largely due to upcoming car plants on the Sarkhej-Sanand stretch, and the metro rail project.But other areas like Prahladnagar, Ambli, Bopal, Jodhpur, Satellite, Solagam, Shilaj road, Vastrapur, Vejalpur, Ambawadi and Chandkhedagam has seen 5.46% in the same quarter.
But in the western zone that prices fell by 9.38% between January and September this year while the northern part of the city such as Buddhnagar, Saijpur-Bhoga, Sardarnagar and Vishnunagar prices have increased by 10.77%.
The central zone saw a rise of 7.51%, which includes areas like Bhadra, Dudheshwar, Gaikwad Haveli, Girdharnagar and Wadigam. The steepest fall in real estate prices was in south zone at 26.11%.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Feng Shui - Tips for Entrance Door and Hall....

Your main entrance door is the most important thing you should balance in the first place. Your main entrance to your home is the entrance for the energy and what kind of energy will come in your home depends upon your main door (whether it is balanced or not). Your main entrance will determine whether the Feng Shui of your home is good or bad.

Before even you think about feng shui of your home, protect and feng shui your main entrance first. Below are important feng shui tips for your main door.

1) Main door should be always of color according to your individual feng shui map.
2) Main door should look solid and protective.
3) Main door should open inwards
4) Main door should open into an open space.
5) Main door should look out to an open space.
6) Main door should not be under a toilet/bathroom
7) Main door should be located at one of your house's fortunate location     

8) Main door should face one of your personal fortunate direction.

9) Main door should not face a stair case or toilet

10) Size of main door should be measured to fortunate dimensions using a Secret emperors' sizes